Saturday 17 October 2015

SELWG Darkest Africa Game

At the recent Selwg show there was a spectacular Darkest Africa game based with the Belgium Force Republic attacking Arab slave traders.

A few Pictures follow, plus it may have encouraged me to restart my painting,

The large trees built from dowel and realistic model trees and the scratch built tembe my favorites.

Wednesday 22 April 2015

Defending the village - A TSATF battle report

The British commander was ordered to clear out the village held by the Dervish at the side of the nile.

Deployment was secret with a sheet dividing the table in two. This was the first time I had used this method despite gaming for some nearly 40 years. It worked quite well with the British unsure what they would encounter when they finally saw the village.

The dervish were able to dig in and form zeriba walls to improve their defensive portions

Another close run game with the British advancing onto Dervish rifle fire and aggressive counter attacks. The British could have held back as their rifle fire has greater range but they pushed on and as a consequence lost the battle. 

The Dervish deployment. The warbands on their left flank deployed forward and held back the British attack. They also decimated a impetuous cavalry charge.
The British left wing including baggage animals

The Dervish defences
A Dervish warband having sneaked out the village out of sight of the advancing British launch their surprise attack

The Dervish hold the village against the British assault